
Showing posts from April, 2022

6 Times Too Many....

It’s been a while.  I haven’t blogged in .. 15 years maybe?  I remember doing it ritually back in the day. Apparently I had a lot to say?  Let’s get right to it..  what happened? That’s what a lot of my “followers” and friends who aren’t close to me ask.. or want to know.  I mean, let’s face it, if this wasn’t my story even I’d want to know.  I spent the better part of 15+ years (since I’ve had a Facebook) telling you all how amazing my marriage was. How amazing of a person I was married too. How I truly felt I was living the fairytale life.  To say that was all a lie, would actually BE a lie.  There were good times. It would be wrong of me to say that more times than not, it was a happy life.  We had our ups and downs like any other couple.  I’ll touch on that I’m sure as the blogs keep coming..  So the big question,.. what happened?  Truth be told, I don’t exactly know. It’s been the question of the year with my sis...